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1. Instructions for VPN Users

1.1. VPN- Mac

Connect to VPN: Macbook


Step 1) Open System Settings.  Then select Network  





Step 2) Click the "..." button to add a new service



Step 3) Select VPN configuration and choose L2TP over IPsec 




Step 4) In Server Address: please type gw.bwscampus.com
For Account Name: please type your username (without @bwscampus.com)
Then click on Authentication Settings 


Step 5) On User Authentication: please type your Gmail password
On Machine Authentication: please type BWSvpn90049
Then click Ok


Step 6) Select the Options section and please make sure the 3 checkboxes are selected 
*Note: if the “Send all traffic over VPN connection” box is not selected then the VPN connection will not be established. 

Once your VPN connection is set up following the instructions above, take the following steps in order to utilize the VPN connection from off-campus:

1. Connect to a non-Brentwood wifi network.

2. Go into System Settings to Networking.

3. Click on VPN from the list of options available.

4. On the VPN setting page, click the "Connect" button (or toggle the Connect switch, depending on your OS version).

1.2. VPN- Windows 10 PC

Connect to VPN: Windows/PC


Step 1) Open the Start Menu and type/search VPN


Step 2) Click Add a VPN connection.



Step 3) In the Add a VPN connection please ensure the following:

  • VPN provider: Set to Windows (built-in)
  • Connection name:Brentwood VPN
  • Server name or address: gw.bwscampus.com
  • VPN type: Select L2TP/IPsecwith preshared key
  • Preshared Key: BWSvpn90049
  • User nameand Password:  Enter your credentials

            Press Save.



Step 4) After the VPN connection has been created, click Change adapter options under Related settings.


Step 5) Right-click on VPN Connection from the list of adapters and click Properties



Step 6) In the Security tab, select Require encryption (disconnect if sever declines) 

Then, select Allow these protocols under Authentication. From the list of protocols, check Unencrypted password (PAP), and uncheck all other options.


Step 7) Click on Advanced settings.



Step 8) In the Advanced Properties select the Use preshared key for authentication and enter the preshared key: BWSvpn90049



Step 9) Back at the Network Connections window, right-click on the VPN connection and click Connect / Disconnect.

Find your VPN profile and click Connect.




Step 10) Enter your username and password. Click OK.

1.3. VPN - Windows 11 PC

Step 1: Open the Start Menu and type/search VPN and select VPN Settings

Step 2: Click Add VPN button

Step 3: In the Add a VPN connection window enter the following information:

  • VPN provider: Windows (built-in)
  • Connection name: Brentwood VPN
  • Server name or address: gw.bwscampus.com
  • VPN type: L2TP/IPsec with pre-shared key
  • Pre-shared key: BWSvpn90049
  • Username: Enter your BWS username
  • Password: Enter your BWS password

Then click Save

Step 4: After the VPN has been created, click the arrow next to it and select Advanced Options.

Step 5:  Click the Edit button next to More VPN Properties.

Step 6: Select the Security tab at the top and select the following options:

  • Data Encryption: Require encryption (disconnect if server declines)
  • Authentication - Allow these protocols: Select Unencrypted Password (PAP)
  • Authentication - Allow these protocols: Unselect Microsoft CHAP version 2 (MS-CHAP v2)

Click OK

Step 7:  The VPN is now created. To Connect to the VPN:

  1. Select the network/wifi icon on the windows taskbar, click the VPN button and select Brentwood VPN.


  2. Open the Start menu and search Network Connections and click View Network Connections.
    Right Click the Brentwood VPN and select Connect/Disconnect