HomeMacAccessing the Drive Accessing the Shared/Personal Drive

10.1. Accessing the Shared/Personal Drive

1. To start please go to "Finder"



2. To connect to the server there are 2 options: 

 Option 1: Press the "Command" and "K" button together


Option 2: On the top of your screen click on “Go” then on the drop-down menu     

                          select “Connect to Server”

3. Type in the following:  

For the West Campus: 

— Shared Folder type in:  smb://wcfs.bwscampus.local/shared$

— Personal Folder type in: smb://wcfs.bwscampus.local/users$


For East Campus:

— Shared Folder type in: smb://ecfs.bwscampus.local/shared$

— Personal Folder type in: smb://ecfs.bwscampus.local/users$


4. If connecting off-campus, type in the following:

For the West Campus: 

— Shared folder type in: smb://wcfs.bwscampus.local/shared$

— Personal Folder type in: smb://wcfs.bwscampus.local/users$


For East Campus:

— Shared Folder type in: smb://ecfs.bwscampus.local/shared$

— Personal Folder type in : smb://ecfs.bwscampus.local/users$


Before you click Connect, press the (+), that will save it and you won't have to type in the entire URL every time.    

Please note: If this is the first time you are connecting to the server, you will be prompted to enter your Brentwood credentials.



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